I’ve got to come at this one with caution. There’s a high risk of sanctimony here. Must… Resist… The…Urge… To… Get… On…My… Soap… Box. I want to talk about lifestyle inflation. There… I said it. To be sure there are more extreme examples of it. The high school basketball player who becomes the first pick […]
Rick Rolling Your Way to Riches

This may date me. But when I was growing up I actually listened to records. Starting with tale spinners records of Cyrano de Bergerac, and Puss n’ Boots, moving onto a long love affair with all with my parents Beatles albums, and culminating with my very first purchased 45 (Talking In Your Sleep by The […]
Swimming Upstream

One of the exhortations I find myself writing most frequently in this blog, is “read some books.” Specifically, this comes up when I am talking about the importance of reading books on investment theory in order to develop your own personal investment strategy and portfolio. What’s the thinking behind this? It’s not just that […]
Warts and All

Just got off of the phone with one of my favorite people. My friend Keiki and I were medical interns together. And he’s one of those people who when I think of, I think: “That guy is just a better person than I will ever be.” (I know, I know, there are higher bars.) He’s […]
Looking in the Gift Horse’s Mouth

I had an interesting conversation at work today. One of my friends (let’s call him “the Spaniard.”) works for a large company. It turns out his company gives him a pretty sweet deal. Every year he is able to buy up to 5% of his salary in the companies stock. The sweet part of the […]
Putting Down Pennies

In a previous post, I acknowledged the sad fact that investing is not that interesting to everyone. If you are one of those incomprehensible beings who would rather think about art or sports or fashion or celebrity or literature rather than the nitty-gritty of investment theory, I confided in you that that was okay. I […]
Original MD Squared Investment Flowchart !

Aint She Purty? Made Her myself. This is the official Miles-Dividend-MD-How-to-Save Flow chart. Start at the top and see where the flow chart takes you. What could be more fun? In terms of posts that correspond to each step of the flow sheet…. Step 1: Save a healthy proportion of your take home income. Please […]
Making an Ass out of You and Me

One important question to address about early retirement is; What are the assumptions? When I claim that if someone with zero net worth saves 50% of her take home income over 17 years, that she will at that point be financially independent, what does this statement rest upon? One assumption is that the invested money […]
Raw Goods

The obvious next topic to turn to in discussing early retirement and investment theory is how to design a well balanced portfolio that will deliver us to financial independence at a ripe young (to middle) age. We’ve now covered the main building blocks for success: The crucial importance of low-cost passively managed funds, the only […]
Vive La Revolution!

This is my second night away from home attending Lisa Yao and Aaron Kabb’s wonderful wedding in Santa Barbara. (Mazel tov!). So please forgive me another indulgent and non-data-driven post. If you want to learn something useful tonight, best to navigate away from this page right about now. Tonight I would like to wax on […]
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