Yesterday was one of those long days that sometimes occur when you’re a doctor. (And always seem to happen on the Fridays before call weekends.) Up at 6:30, to the hospital by 7:30, a meeting, a few consults, rounding on the floor patients, four procedures, and before I know it it’s 9:00 or 9:30 and […]
Book Club and Free Prize!

It’s no news that I’m a huge fan of the white coat investor. James Dahle MD is, quite simply, one of my favorite bloggers. Which is funny, because in many ways, he is the antithesis of who I am. You have witnessed before my feeble powers of mathematics. My outsized confidence in my own mental […]
Going Middle Ages

My friend Jenny recently wrote a really interesting blog post about becoming middle-aged. It seems that reaching middle-age has been something that she’s been looking forward to for a long long time. When I was younger I certainly didn’t look forward to becoming middle-aged. It seemed pretty uncool. But having arrived here, I must say […]
White Coat Face Off: Death with Benefits

What a useful exercise this is. By continuing this 14 part series of posts in which I attempt to refute the Whitecoat Investor’s well reasoned arguments against early retirement, I’m able to piggyback off of his encyclopedic understanding of all things financial and introduce important concepts to my readers. For prior articles in this series please […]
White Coat Face Off: Obamacare

This continues a series of posts looking critically at the always well thought out Whitecoat Investor’s (WCI) arguments against retiring early. For the first two posts in this series, please see here, and here. Today’s post is not entirely fair. After all, The White Coat Investor wrote his seminal article in 2011 before the affordable care […]
Feline Indulgence

There are many different ways of spinning the early retirement lifestyle. For some, (I will call them the fundamentalists,) it is an ethical question. Dramatically paring down your lifestyle to something reasonable is a moral imperative. And wasteful spending and consumerism are not just stupid, they are morally wrong. They contribute to the impending doom […]
White Coat Face Off: Social Security

This is the second in a series of posts looking critically at an excellent counterargument to early retirement from The White Coat Investor. The first article in the series can be found here. Today’s argument deals with the variable value of Social Security. The first part of the argument is this: For some bizarre reason, […]
White Coat Faceoff: Too Much Saving?

One of my favorite websites, and one that I have not mentioned here previously, is The White Coat Investor. This is a financial site written by an emergency room physician, James Dahle MD. It’s a niche site to be sure, focused on providing financial advice for physicians. But I think it’s applicability extends far beyond […]
Zero Sum Game

I am very lucky. When I joined a private practice cardiology group 4.5 years ago fresh out of fellowship I joined a good one. I work with a great collection of doctors and practitioners of all different stripes. And I know that we do a very good job of taking care of our patients, and […]
Fuzzy Math

Figuring out your years to retirement is quite easy if you start at zero net worth. The required calculation is well captured in this post. It becomes a bit more complicated, However, if you start from a place of debt or from a place of money already saved for retirement. Reader Ryan asked the following […]
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