Writing self-congratulatory posts about trips booked with miles is great and all, but one risks becoming complacent and boring. Shall we mix it up a bit then?Dare I dip my toe back into the toxic cauldron of politics? You betcha! (but don’t worry, I’ll tie it in with personal-finance later.) I can see into Putin’s […]
Unexpected Dividends

I’m glad I’m not a salesman. If I were, my children might look up at me each night with hungry eyes while pleading for another bowl of porridge. My son, If I were a salesman I’m the argumentative sort, even with myself. So when I make a case for something I convince myself to take […]
Putting it Together

Is this an early retirement blog? Or Is it a travel hacker blog? Well yes….. Just like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup is chocolate and peanut butter. There’s a certain synergy to these two fields. When you put 2+2 together, in this case, you get at least six. And the dial on the MD Squared […]
Below the Surface

One of the themes of this blog, I think, is “respect your subconscious.” As in; How the hell did my churning credit cards in order to gather frequent flyer miles lead me to reorganize my entire financial life and really start focusing on maximizing my own “happiness?” This is a puzzle, to be sure. And […]
Notes From Underground

I’ve written before that pursuing financial independence, and pursuing early retirement are not necessarily the same thing. If you love your job (as I do,) then the point at which you reach financial independence need not necessarily be the point at which you stop working. It can simply be the point at which you may […]
Utility Bills

My interest in early retirement is a recent development. (Further proof that the new convert is always the most fervent.) So I sometimes wonder what I would have done differently had I had this philosophy when I first finished my electrophysiology fellowship and started my career. From my current vantage point I can see that […]
Sooner or Later?

It is easy to get motivated for short term rewards. The carton of ice cream in the freezer need only be scooped into a bowl, The scoop picked up with a spoon, the spoon lifted to the mouth, and seconds later, heaven. A smooth,cool, sucrose and lipid rich emulsion melts over your tongue. Pleasure was […]
Let’s Get Real

Shall we start tonight’s post with a shockingly beautiful, profound quote? This is from Haruki Murakami, The Japanese writer after whom my wife and I named our oldest son. “If there is a hard, high wall and an egg that breaks against it, no matter how right the wall or how wrong the egg, I […]
A Spoonful of Sugar

I think people get the wrong idea that saving money is a sacrifice. The way most people talk about saving for retirement makes it sound about as appetizing as a glass of wheatgrass juice following seven hours on a stationary bike at fat camp. When TV personalities advocate for saving more, they always seem do […]
What You Pay For…

This may surprise you, but I have not always been money obsessed. In fact, if you ask my mother what I was like when I was a boy, she’ll tell you that every year for my birthday I asked for the same sort of thing, be it a football, a baseball, or a soccer ball […]
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