Sometimes while eating lunch, I will turn on the television in the doctors dining room in my hospital and watch CNBC. I basically just want to know how well the markets are doing that day. Owning stock is fun and watching The funds I’ve invested in go up and down is not unlike the thrill […]

Since I started publishing my own musings on this blog, one thing that has increasingly struck me, is that I may just be preaching to the choir. When reading comments on posts that I’ve written, I’ve detected a pattern. People who are already savers, are often attracted to the ideas of early retirement theory. Likewise, […]
An Embarrassment of Riches

Spending and saving are not mutually exclusive. We all spend money, and most of us save it too. I, for one, do not believe in some Platonic ratio of saving to spending. If there were such a ratio, (say a perfect 65% savings rate,) then it would be easy to tell someone if they were […]
Debt or Alive?

I can’t start a post about debt, without aknowledging my huge debt to Daraius at million mile secrets. By lending me his well attended stage, with his interview yesterday, my page views exploded by a factor of about 50. Thank you, Daraius. But the show must go on… If investing exposes the miracle of compound […]
Landing Strip

Welcome readers of Million Mile Secrets. Thank you for stopping by. Please, make yourselves at home. If you’re curious about early retirement, please start here. Would you like to hear a unique take on the miles game?, Here’s a good place to start. Are you interested to know what came about from my conversation with […]
Narcissistic Self Reflection

One of my favorite coworkers at the hospital, we’ll call her “the DJ,”made a comment the other day that caught me a bit off guard. I was talking about the miles game (a rare occurrence I assure you,) during a pacemaker implant. And she said something along the lines of, “You know it seems like […]
How To Be Rich

How do you know if you’re rich? Do you take the wages of the entire world and plot your yearly wage on that continuum? Viewed on this spectrum almost everyone in America is filthy rich. Is it a question of how much money you make? Is it a question of your net worth? I think […]
The Kindest Cut

One my favorite things about early retirement theory, is how very democratic it is. Regardless of your income, the singularly important calculation that determines how soon you will reach early retirement is the percentage of your take-home pay that you save and invest. I’m not Pollyanna-ish enough to believe that it is just as easy […]

Free will is a sticky wicket. Our experience is that free will is everywhere: I want coffee so I grab a cup and lift it to my mouth, sip, and swallow. But there is growing evidence to suggest that free will is a mirage. In Libet’s famous experiment, he asked volunteers to record when they […]
A Unique Snowflake

Have you ever met someone who defied classification? If you have, I bet it’s been a while. Almost everybody has multiple layers to their personality. And most have diverse interests. But for the most part it’s pretty easy for each of us to be filed away accurately in discreet little categories. I am no different. […]
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