I never could’ve predicted that one of my more popular posts would’ve been about dieting. Anyone who knows me knows that that is severely ironic. One of the benefits of writing such a post, however, is that it elicits some really interesting comments. And one such comment came from a friend in Hawaii. Her comment […]
Stealthy, Healthy, Wealth

In a utopian America as I would construct it, every day, every week, and every month would pass, with each of us not hungering for our next purchase. Instead we would regularly inspect our own lives much as a corporate raider inspects a company he has just taken over. We would fiendishly chuckle while looking […]

One of the blogs that I truly enjoy is saverocity.com. (Just look in my blogroll to the right.) Matt, who runs the blog, writes with great passion about both the miles game and financial planning. He’s a good writer with a lot of great ideas and I encourage you to check out his site. The post […]
Listing Forward

It’s that time of year when everyone makes resolutions. So I figured, “why not do my readers a solid, and make their lists for them?” The only hesitation I had is that these lists often contain items like; 1. Eat more chard. Or 2. Exercise to the point of exhaustion on a daily basis. Psyched […]
Sleight of Hand

I would like to present myself as an evolved individual who can see beyond the simple confines of the political game. But I’m not that guy. The fact is, I’m a liberal,a lefty, and a bleeding heart. I’m a big fan of progressive taxation, redistribution of wealth towards the middle and lower classes, social mobility, […]
Worst Case Scenario

There are no free lunches in investing. The only possible exceptions to this axiom are diversification, and value investing, both of which have the potential to increase portfolio returns relative to risk. Aside from these exceptions, however, risks and returns are inextricably linked. If you want higher returns, you must accept the higher risk of […]
Cash Backing, an Alternative to Travel Hacking

Playing the miles game is such a win-win situation. On one hand you learn new skills; Organization, creativity, and attention to detail come to mind. On the other hand you save thousands of dollars and are able to expand your world with amazing travel experiences to exotic destinations. As an ordinary working stiff, you can […]

Numbers are important. They define proportion. They expose injustice. They keep score. They enable us to see how small and unnoticeable differences over a long time period can compound to become profound and palpable sums. One of the best uses of numbers is in defining goals. I think this has to do with our human […]
Political Capital

You don’t need to pull a brain muscle to come to the conclusion that our political system has some serious issues. It’s not exactly an original thought that our politics are corrupted by money and special interests. But the fact that a point is obvious has never stopped me from making it before. So here […]
Cold Comfort

Luxury is a two-edged sword. On one hand we crave it. The most expertly prepared food. Elite wines. Performance cars. Soft hotel feather beds. Pampering vacations. On the other hand luxury can be a bit of a golden cage. Once the best is tasted, the ordinary can become unpalatable. Our world can shrink. One runs […]
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