Do you have any friends who are a little bit too into their kids? You know the type, they constantly tell you amusing little stories about their kids brilliance and talent. They’re a bit too quick to whip out the iPhone in order to start showing you pictures of little Carleton with blueberries on his […]
Paradise Lost?

The miles game is not meant to be easy. It’s not a drive-through at a fast food joint where you handover a few crinkled bucks, and get back a neatly packaged, hermetically sealed, burger in a box. It’s more like foraging for morels in a burnt out urban forest. Some days it’s easy and you […]
Current Anatomy

The miles game continues to steam along month after month. There’ve been no dramatic changes to my approach of late but there’ve been some subtle changes that are worth reporting on. My current approach involves: $1000 “spent” in Amazon payments a month between me and my wife’s account. One Isis serve card for both me […]

The miles game is not a discrete object. It cannot be looked at from multiple angles and judged to be a specific thing. Instead it is malleable and plastic. And so it can not help but become a reflection of the player who plays it. In my mind there are three categories of (serious) miles […]
Fevered Rantings

Forgive me, This will be a bits and pieces post. There will be no philosophical nuggets, or new miles game angles. I’m wrapping up (I hope) four days of a nasty little enterovirus infection which of late has limited my diet to white rice and saltines, and my weekend activity to febrile napping and visiting […]
Addition by Subtraction

Walmart. Yucko.I haven’t exactly made my feelings about Walmart secret.And let’s be honest, I open myself up to a lot of criticism with my anti-Walmart stance. (Most of it well-deserved.)Am I being elitist?Absolutely.I would definitely earn some Everyman points by nonchalantly walking by the recycle center, replete with meth addicts dumping crushed beer cans into […]
Pen Pals and payPal

The loyal3 experiment continues down a predictable path. When I first found out about this opportunity, my feeling was that it had to be a short-lived one. As I saw it, a financial/tech start up had decided to make a devil’s bargain along the lines of “We’ll allow you (read pay for you) to run […]
Spring Rolls and Loyal3

Spring is springing around here. Nettles and dandelions are poking through my raised beds. Grasses are stubbornly shooting through the cracks in between my patio bricks. There is a strange yellow orb in the sky where the clouds used to be. The air is warm and redolent with Pollen and other allergens. And the miles […]
Lurking Below

There is something present in you and in me at all times and in all situations to varying degrees. Beneath the surface whenever we meet someone new, or give a talk, or ask the boss for a raise, or fly on a plane, or cross the street, or look out of the window in a […]

We don’t live in an ideal world. That’s for sure. Life is messy and requires compromises and grit and overcoming obstacles and all of that. No endeavor worth pursuing is without its own trials and tribulations. And of course the miles game is no different. If you play the miles game, as I play it, […]
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