Convenience will cost you. Want a Mac instead of a PC ? Prepare to pay 50% more for its ease-of-use and slick styling. Want someone else to manage your money for you for a piddly 1% fee? Prepare to have a third less money by the time you retire. Want to frequently roll through the […]
Deja Vu All Over Again and Credit Card Stock Picking…

Another month, another churn. The Dividend family completed another seven Card churn last week (this time in my wife’s name.) And the results are in, so why not do a bit of a review? Below are seven cards that we applied for. If the cards look familiar its because they are identical to the “highroller […]
Random Miles Artifacts….

Warning: This will be sort of a bits and pieces post. You see I re-created the “highroller churn” for my wife last night and have a whole bunch of reconsideration calls to get to later tonight. But there are some interesting tidbits that I think are worthy of your attention. And while these subjects do […]
As the World Churns

As a physician there’s the pervasive concept of continuing medical education. Because medicine is scientifically-based, and science is constantly evolving and changing, in order to practice current medicine you must continue to learn long after you’re done with your formal training. So we doctors peruse scientific journals, we have journal clubs, we go to societal […]
Age Before Beauty

This blogging is a personal thing. Now I believe that the value of investing preferentially in your own freedom and getting great deals on travel are near universal truths, but the fact remains that this is a blog from a very specific perspective. My own. And I happen to be a middle-aged family man who […]
Step Back from the Edge…

In general I enjoy writing about ideas and philosophy more than writing nitty-gritty tutorials about how to do something. But I firmly believe that The Miles Game is a great and even motivating skill set for someone with the propensity to pursue financial independence. And more than a few of my readers and friends have […]
Going Middle Ages

My friend Jenny recently wrote a really interesting blog post about becoming middle-aged. It seems that reaching middle-age has been something that she’s been looking forward to for a long long time. When I was younger I certainly didn’t look forward to becoming middle-aged. It seemed pretty uncool. But having arrived here, I must say […]
High Roller’s Churn

Friend of the blog Bronx Dave is thinking about buying a house in the near future. He has taken up rock ‘n roll drumming, you see, and wishes to rent out his townhouse, and move into a single-family detached house because he feels empathy for his increasingly shellshocked neighbor. Because of this ambition he will […]
Breaking Up (it’s not that hard to do.)

It was about 11 months ago that I completed my first credit card churn. That timeframe is important because it means that the credit cards’ yearly fees will be hitting my account in the next couple of months. Which of course means that now is the time to start canceling or downgrading my cards. So […]
Putting it Together

Is this an early retirement blog? Or Is it a travel hacker blog? Well yes….. Just like a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup is chocolate and peanut butter. There’s a certain synergy to these two fields. When you put 2+2 together, in this case, you get at least six. And the dial on the MD Squared […]
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